Category Image Gallery Updated With Support for Latest EverWeb Version
Monday, August 15, 2022 12:21 AM
Our Category Image Gallery Widget for EverWeb has been updated to version 1.1. This version fixes a crash in all versions of EverWeb and adds optimized javascript.
If you are concerned about your page load speed, which helps improve your search engine rankings, this version is a must update.
Category Image Gallery Widget is completely free. You can download it from our website.
To Install Category Image Gallery Widget for EverWeb
Simply download it from our website and you will see the file in your Downloads folder. Double click it to unpack it and you will see the Categories Image Gallery.ewwdgt file.
On your Mac you can double click it and EverWeb will ask you if you want to install it.
On Windows you can either drag and drop the Categories Image Gallery.ewwdgt file onto the EverWeb icon or onto the Widget tab in any EverWeb window.